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Top Cut Female Sale
November 30th, 2024
Live Auction – 4:00 PM
Washington Sales Pavilion
Top Cut Female Sale
Top Cut Female Sale
Saturday, November 30th, 2024
Washington Sales Pavilion • Washington, Kansas
2024 Top Cut Female Sale Online Catalog
ID / Madge
Sire: Collison Alpha
Dam: Spice Donor (Hot Rod x Titan’s GD)
These first two lotted are Maternal Sibs to the dominate Angus Heifer Campaigned by the Trauernicht Family of NE this year. Supreme NE State Fair FFA Show, Reserve Supreme and Champion Angus NE State Fair Open Show, 5th Overall Ak Sar Ben, and too many other Supremes to list. These two sisters are built from the same mold as their sister last year just younger.
ID /05
Sire: Collison Alpha
Dam: Primo x Spice (Hot Rod x Titan’s GD)
Out of a full sister to the dominate Trauernicht Heifer and a past high Seller in this very sale. This one is a carbon copy of her mother in terms of build, structure, and Hair. These genetics live on in their offspring.
ID /12col
Sire: 24 Karat
Dam: Steck Forever Lady 941G ET (Style x First Class/Lutton/5001)
The youngest of Megan’s heifers but not short on quality. Her Dam was Reserve Supreme at the Jackrabbit Memorial Show in SD and we see much of her mother’s characteristics in her. Just like her Donor Dam she should be Highly Competitive as well. Study this Angus offering, there is one for everyone and we are loaded with show heifers and great breeding pieces.
ID / 91F
Sire: Primo
Dam: S H Miss Annie Lu 6087 (Lutton x Raptor)
A maternal Sister to Boyert/Cores Annie Lu 4472 Donor and Collison/Nord/Kinna’s Annie Lu 361C Donor. These two cows need no Introduction to the Angus World, High Sellers and Major Show Champions are bred into this Genetic Line. Jackson sent us a female with not only the right look of a show heifer, but the lineage you will hear about for years to come.
ID / 690COL
Sire: 24 Karat
Dam: Lazy H Bar Forever Lady 528 (First Class x 5001)
Not only is she backed by some of the breed Greats but her phenotype proves it, she will be competive at the highest levels as a Show Heifer. Her Donor Dam was 3rd Overall female at Iowa Beef Expo herself. The proof is in the pudding here.
Retaining 1/2 embryo interest
ID / 099col
Sire: Casino
Dam: Moffitt Forever Lady M831 (Lutton x EXT)
There is so much to be said about the M831 Cow Family of Collison’s. She is the Grandam of Silveiras Forbes and mother to Numerous High Sellers and Angus show winners for the girls in the past few years. The genetics in these heifers is timeless and very valuable as cows but they will show too. Honestly its cutting hairs on the differences so study the videos or come see them in person, its worth the trip.
LOT 10
ID / 5409C
Sire: Force of Nature (EM961978)
Dam: Hazel Donor (F1292630- Outlier)
Hazel has become a household name around here for us and Englerts. She was Reserve in Kansas City as a Bred Heifer and we took her back as a pair where she was the Reserve National Champion Female, talk about consisitent. These next two lots are built a little different in their maturity pattern but have that stamped “Hazel” look. You will be hard pressed to find a stouter, denser, cowier show heifer than Lot 10. Elite look packed with all the goods to be someone’s Standout Donor someday.
LOT 12
ID / 9131M
Sire: Force of Nature
Dam: Miss Gossip Girl 9131
Total Outcross with no familiar show sire bulls on her bottom side pedigree. We bought her dam from Shaffer Farms because she was so good looking for her pedigree. If you aren’t all in on FON yet then this one should make you be. She’s a looker!
LOT 13
ID /0518shaf
Sire: Force of Nature (EM961978)
Dam: SHR MIMO 0518 (CCC Remedy x Rhinestone)
This AI cow is 2 for 2 on putting females in our sale back to back. This is one powerful FON daughter selling as Lot 13. At this point we should all recognize Force of Nature but if you know your pedigrees study the dam’s side, its stacked with bulls and females that made people’s programs and changed the Charolais breed. If you dig down deep on the bottom side it goes back to arguably the best Hoo Doo cow to ever leave that ranch Kris Black’s “6017”.
LOT 14
ID / 50CF
Sire: Outsider
Dam: RF MS Duchess 7001 ET (EF1259440-Bohannon)
Full sib in blood to Multiple High Sellers for Ridder Farms and Rosebud including the Reserve Champion Open Charolais Female at the America Royal just a few weeks ago. 7001 is a full sister to the “Duchess 631 -Bohannon” cow that you have heard a lot of in the last couple years. We go back and forth on these two sisters because they have style and balance to burn with one of the hottest pedigrees today.
LOT 16
ID /36blsb
Sire: Outsider
Dam: BWA MCF SHE’S A POWER CAT (Powercat x Time Bandit)
Her Dam was a past high selling Charolais female that was Champion Charolais everytime she showed and ended up 5th overall at our competitive Kansas State Fair for Nikkels, Lampe, and us. This one will show and produce.
LOT 19
Composite Charolais
ID /RH18
Sire: Force of Nature (EM961978)
Dam: IGWT x Monopoly
Force of Nature is here to stay. With limited outside use this past year their has been as many Major Show winners and High Sellers out of FON as any Charolais bull out their. Odden’s outdid themseleves with this the stop you in your tracks Composite Charolais Daughter.
LOT 21
High Chi
ID /227MIL
Sire: Onset
Dam: Smilin Queen Donor
Miller’s Smiling Queen Donor has produced countless Champions in our Program and others in the Country. Maternal and Full sib High Sellers and Champions are laced in this one’s pedigree and this was the best High Chi to come out of Galveston, IN this year.
LOT 22
High Chi
ID / 13F
Sire: Follow Me
Dam: JSUL Jalynn’s Rosie (Monopoly)
Another one that many onlookers ask about in the High Chi offering. She is a full/maternal sib to many high sellers for Richland Farms. Follow Me builds them stout for and Angus and that’s why many have gravitated toward this heifer, show her and raise em at the same time.
LOT 23
High Chi
Sire: Gone Viral
Dam: Pu2 Donor (MCF Salty Dog x Tres/Play Ray)
We are getting pretty good at raising these Fake Herefords and its rare to get one out of our Pu2 Donor. A full sister to a few of our High Selling Heifers in the past that have moved on to do big things in the donor pen. Check out the Scarlet (Full Sister) offspring in this sale if that doesn’t excite you for this one down the road then her extra quality and substance should.
Retaining 1/2 embryo interest
LOT 24
High Chi
ID /t32bfsd
Sire: See Gone Viral
Dam: Pu2 Donor (MCF Salty Dog x Tres/Play Ray)
We could write columns about the Pu2 Donor and her offspring. With her passing this past year the future offspring will be limited and honestly should not be sold at all. A carbon copy to our High Seller last fall and she checks all the boxes.
Retaining 1/2 embryo interest
LOT 25
Chi Composite
ID /81E
Sire: Good as it Gets
Dam: Scarlet Donor (Gone Viral x Pu2)
We had a full brother to this heifer in our Steer Sale and after posting him on Snapchat everyone reached out asking if we had a sister. WELL HERE SHE IS!!! She is everything we thought this mating would bring. Her Dam was our High Selling Female a few years back.
LOT 27
Chi Composite
Sire: Gone Viral
Dam: 280D Donor (MCF Salty Dog x Strictly Business)
280D is fast becoming one of our go to Donors for raising high quality stock, whether it be male progeny or female and these next few lots will prove to you that she works in Diverse Scenarios. This is the Solid Black GV that is built like a female with the extra power of her Dam holding true.
LOT 28
Chi Composite
ID /572shaf
Sire: GoneViral
Dam: 280D Donor (MCF Salty Dog x Strictly Business)
Texas Hereford Enthusiasts tune in again here, this is the best Hereford Marked female out of 280D yet. Stout, Skeletally Correct, but still built like a cow. Her value however you see to use it will pay dividends in the future.
Retaining 1/2 embryo interest
LOT 29
Chi Composite
ID /PU75
Sire: Collison Alpha
Dam: 280D Donor (MCF Salty Dog x Strictly Business)
These next two full sister lots are awesome. We did this mating with intentions of raising elite show caliber females out of our power cow 280D. She did just that, one comes in a solid black package and the other with a lil chrome on her head.
LOT 32
Chi Composite
ID /49F
Sire: Interstate
Dam: Mack x Double Dandy/Cunia
If you are in the business of raising high quality stock and see an Interstate daughter selling, you should buy them. His presence in Wiedel and our program have been tremendous, he puts into his offspring that no others have. The structure holds for generations, the performance and power look is definitely displayed in this daughter. Her Great Granddam (X30-Cunia) was one of the most prolific donors we ever raised living 20+ years. Thank you Rod Furrow for believing in our program for decades and letting us have the opportunity at your best.
LOT 33
Chi Composite
ID /Chi
Sire: MCF Titan 96
Dam: Chi Donor (Primo x Smiling Queen)
An elite looking natural calf out of Werth and ours new young donor. The Smilin Queen daughters have been a staple in our female sales the past several years and her mother was a past High Seller. She was successfully campaigned by Hayden Englert with several banners and Top 5 finishes in her career as a show heifer.
LOT 34
Chi Composite
ID / 8077WIE
Sire: Here I Am
Dam: Martha Donor (Style x Katie 9B)
Neither side of this things pedigree needs an introduction. HIA’s win and the Katie cow family does too. Show this one on either side of the fence and remember when you buy from us you are buying into notable cow families that produce on down the road.
LOT 35
ID /Mable
Sire: ECR 628 Ivys Advance 8923 ET (Sancho)
Dam: EKS DWK E709 Just Do It K26 (P44368405)
Yes you read that Right; A Registered Horned Hereford in our Top Cut Female Sale. The Englert family has a small but awesome built set of young Hereford cows running here and since she was born she’s been a standout for her breed.
LOT 36
Lim Flex (62%)
ID /Milo
Sire: MRCC Legal 441E ET
Dam: VL Bombshell (Excessive Force)
Reg # LFF3125211 This one has already hung banners at NE State Fair and the Kansas State Fair in her division. I used her Dam as Reserve Limousin at the American Royal in 2014 and when Clason’s showed me this one and reminded me of her mother I knew we had to put her in this sale. Her dam was highly decorated and this daughter is show broke, She’s Ready, and if handled right will win at the highest levels just like her mother.
Retaining 1/2 embryo interest
LOT 37
Lim Flex
ID /6814M
Sire: Gold Buckle
Dam: Linda Donor (Classen x Twighlight)
If we had a $1 for every inquiry we had about our LimFlex last year we could have bought another Farm. This is her full sister. Just as elite looking for her breed, just as eye catching as her sister but in a younger package. She will be Competitive.
LOT 38
Lim-Flex (25%)
ID / 117CLA
Sire: 24 Karat
Dam: KORC Faceinthecrowd
Reg # LFF3125212 Maternal sib to Robinson’s Many time Supreme Female in NE 2 years ago and just as good. Her dam doesn’t seem to miss, she throws a high quality breeding heifer look everytime. Study these Limflex’s they arent all built identical but we mean it when we say they will compete.
LOT 39
High Maine (3/4)
ID /85H
Sire: Databank
Dam: PU2 Donor (MCF Salty Dog x Tres/PlayRay)
I’m going to leave it short on this one. We should be keeping this one especially after the loss of her Donor Dam. She will write chapters for the new owners and us in the Future.
Retaining 1/2 embryo interest
LOT 41
Maintainer (3/8) or
Sire: Duel Icon
Dam: z413 Donor (Grizzly x Dream On)
Heather Ingram has always been here for us and boy did she raise a set of flush sisters in these next two lots that are awesome. Both dense built and powerful in their build with all the female parts to raise em. This one comes with more color than her sister
LOT 42
Maintainer (3/8) or
Sire: Duel Icon
Dam: z413 Donor (Grizzly x Dream On)
Avid livestock enthusiasts look in here, these kind are hard to build! You can’t help but to gravitate to this heifer in the pen, the substance of bone and skeleton on a near perfect structure. She’s been a looker since birth, and an old cowman once told me the one’s with birthmarks always have perfect udders.
LOT 43
Maintainer (3/8) or Low Chi
Sire: Dual Icon
Dam: Chevelle Donor (Interstate x J18)
Much like the Icon’s listed above this one is flat good as well. Her Dam was successfully shown by the Clason Family and if they had wrote a book this Donor would have many chapters in it as well. Show this one and invest in her as a cow, she will return her investment quickly just like her mother did.
LOT 44
Maintainer (3/8)
ID /C475
Sire: MCF Mr Rumor Mill (3/4)
Dam: Broker x Primrose 2424 (EXT’s Donor Dam)
Our Mainetainers are stout this year, they have the look of Earning Potential. This one has a sweet pedigree to go with it. Out of a Full Brother to our Maine Anjou Bull “Highway 69’s” Dam and yes you read that right; a Broker out of the Angus Icon “EXT’s Dam” (Primrose 2424). If she doesn’t produce for you, send her back, we would gladly use her in our cow herd.
LOT 45
Maintainer (1/4)
ID /09F
Sire: Silveiras Style
Dam: BPF Princess 999C (War Eagle x Fear This GD)
Another Elite Mainetainer in our line up. Out of the Great Style bull and Richland Farm’s Princess Donor who’s list of high sellers and Champions could write books. Google the dam, find the video of her on Steerbidder, this heifer is her clone in terms of build.
LOT 46
Maintainer (1/4) or
Low Chi
Sire: Fires MCF Highway 69
Dam: Scarlet Donor (Gone Viral x PU2)
A breakout year for our Scarlet Donor owned with Seibert’s. Multiple Sire Groups, Multiple Breeds, steers or heifers, and she still stamped her progeny. This is the Mainetainer “Scarlet” daughter who traces back to our popular Pu2 Donor.
LOT 47
Maintainer (1/4) or Low Chi
ID /280PYB
Sire: Good as it Gets
Dam: Tres F Donor (MAB)
Cow Power! Show steer raiser’s look in here. A Good As It Gets out of a full sister to Frye’s steer that won Colorado State Fair for us and Goertzen’s. This is a young new Donor here and her first set of ET progeny that hit the ground this year were stacked.
LOT 48
Red Angus
ID /3117WIE
Sire: Mann Pinnacle 712
Dam: CWC Ms Mullberry 11A (3999250)
These next two full sister lots are intriguing. Their dam has had many past high sellers in this sale in the last several years. It’s hard to sort between the two, they are worth the drive to Washington to see for yourselves, come check them out.
Retaining 1/2 embryo interest
LOT 50
Red Angus
Sire: Cita Tango
Dam: CWC Ms Sierra Rob Roy 57B
Many have commented on her when I snapchatted her at picture time. Awesome Structure, High tying, with a look that reads show heifer. Cita Tango’s service at Wiedels is really paying off when your herd bull can raise one like this.
LOT 51
Red Angus
Sire: Cita Tango
Dam: EGL Lark 8004 (Flashback x Red Stewart Lark)
Her dam is a maternal sister to the Red Angus Heifer that Gregg found in Canada as a calf and Ledoux’s ended up being Champion Red Angus and Supreme Overall with her at the NILE. Ideal Red Angus female out of our new Red Angus Bull Cita Tango that is gaining Steam amongst breeders.
LOT 53
ID /1902W
Sire: HF Outlaw (X433022)
Dam: JJH Aunt Tina ID (X4254309)
Awesome Color, Awesome attitude, and show heifer pieces to go with it. Probably the shapiest and most out their looking of the trio of Shorthorns that looks like she could raise them on both sides of the fence, males or females.
LOT 55
Shorthorn Plus (1/4) or
ID /12M OD
Sire: Rockstar
Dam: Monopoly x Shorthorn
A stouter version of her Full Sister that sold last Fall. Her Sister was a dominant show heifer for the Smith Family of Colorado and won a bunch of banners and made a lot of memories for Hilton this past year.
LOT 56
Purebred Simmental
Sire: Big Deal
Dam: MCF MISS STAR POWER FOXY (Star Power x Imprint)
She’s got the build that says Donor Cow. Big Deal has done big things here for us at The Continent and her dam is an impressive Donor. Old School cool pedigree and a modern build that’s hard to replicate in this breed!
Retaining 1/2 embryo interest
LOT 57
Purebred Simmental
ID /3000W
Sire: Remedy
Dam: LHT MS Voltage 154B (High Voltage/Shear Force)
Our type of skeletal build and structure, but how bout them pipes and hair she has for a PB. Her Donor Dam was a high seller of Trauernicht’s to Curtis Wiedel. She was just getting rolling raising high quality stock until he informed me that she got struck by lightning this year and the two daughters selling will be the last of them.
LOT 58
Purebred Simmental
Sire: Remedy
Dam: 880 Donor (Bankroll x Broker)
The next two lots are full sisters out of a Bankroll x Broker female that Wiedel purchased from RJ. The older solid black sister comes with a little more extension and size than her sister in the same package. Both these females pedigree is stacked with Simmental Breed Greats.
LOT 60
Purebred Simmental
Sire: WC Relentless
Dam: Carmen 86B Donor (Broker).
“Carmen 86B. One of my favorite Bovine on this Earth. With only 2 daughters sold, one bringing $105,500, the other $23,000, for half interest in both, she’s a “no miss” kind of cow.” quote from Rosebud’s Facebook. If that don’t get you fired up for the next few lots then we don’t know what will. We sold a Trio of HIA steers earlier this fall pretty high too. They are true summer borns with very minut differences. She stamps her progeny, sort through them, give us a call but it’s impossible sorting the best one out of these 3.
LOT 63
Purebred Simmental
ID /49W
Sire: WC Bankroll
Dam: JASS 668D Donor (Revival x Style/Black Glitter)
A maternal sib to a past high selling Simmy in this sale that was very competitive in Texas. She is royally bred for the breed and has the phenotype to back it. This set of PB’s are stout and elite.
LOT 64
Purebred Simmental
Sire: LHT Mr Fortune 163F
Dam: C W C Miss Hammer 18H (Hammer x Interstate)
A full sister to the snip nose heifer last fall that commanded a pretty penny and then went on to become the Reserve Supreme Champion Female and Champion PB Simmental at out State Fair this fall. Built a lot like her dominant full sister.
LOT 65
Purebred Simmental
ID /56M
Sire: WLE Uno Mas
Dam: Wiedel MS Kay 56K (Broker x P2B/Style)
The natural calf out of Meyer’s successfully campaigned PB Simmental heifer two years ago. She was Supreme at Northern Exposure and Champion Simmental nearly everywhere including the Kansas State Fair. This Uno Mas daughter is pretty like you’d expect and backed by a stout bred cow.
LOT 66
Percentage Simmental (3/4)
Sire: W/C Family Tradition
Dam: LHT MS Voltage 154B (High Voltage/Shear Force)
Maternal sister to lot 57. When we swung through Wiedels late this summer we fell in love with this heifer but it was like pulling teeth to let me take this one for the sale. Her Donor Dam is no longer here and I understand his want to keep her to replace her dam because she could easily do that and more. Elite 3/4 blood that can run with the Halfbloods.
Retaining 1/2 embryo interest
LOT 67
Percentage Simmental (3/4)
Sire: Copacetic
Dam: KORC JAYME 572J (Broker x Cowboy Cut)
Not only will she make a whale of a cow, she will show very competitively too. Tune in because it’s hard to sell 3/4 bloods that are built like this knowing in your back pocket she’ll raise PB’s next generation. ASA# 4368765
LOT 68
Percentage Simmental (1/2)
Sire: Collison Alpha
A few years ago Nikkel Bro’s and us found the dam of these next three heifers in Denver and we just had to own her. She was green and it was a risk but within a short month she was Supreming shows and never once was out of the Top 5 all spring and summer. This is the first ET progeny out of this Donor and they are clone’s to their mother. They are Elite Halfbloods with the forever build.
LOT 72
Percentage Simmental (1/2)
Or Low Chi
Sire: LHT Mr Executive (EO x Bullseye)
Dam: PCC Fu Man Chu
There hasn’t been one family or person stop in that doesn’t ask about this heifer. Her combination of power, substance, and bone mixed with her soft hair coat and dense,sound structure is why. She looks like a lady from the side and then boom packs it with punch a mating only like this would give.
LOT 74
Percentage Simmental (1/2)
or Low Chi
ID /72H
Sire: WLE Big Deal
Dam: Scarlet Donor (Gone Viral x Pu2)
The third of the Scarlet’s in this offering and still she stamps her look. Big Deal is a tried and true maternal legend in our book, his daughters never miss. You cross that with our Pu2 line and it gets even more exciting.
LOT 75
Percentage Simmental (1/2)
Sire: Second Chance 601H (Foresight x Relentless)
Dam: Primo x Dixie Erica
Thank you for taking the time to look through our offering, we are down to the last Lotted female in the sale. Breeding heifer style and balance with an absolute unit of a belly and body shape. We were deep with Simmy’s this year and the oldest in the offering still checks all the boxes